Kamuela best Restaurants

Best Restaurants in Kamuela 2007 Guide

Best Restaurants in Kamuela

Congratulations to the following restaurants that were voted by our diners as the Best Restaurants in Kamuela for the year 2007.  Please check out our reviews to see why they were are one of the Top Rated Restaurants in Kamuela. Why not voice your opinion by writing one of your own reviews!

Top Restaurants in Kamuela 2007

Coast Grille

62 Kaunaoa Dr, Kamuela
(808) 880-1111
4   out of 5 stars
 We've dined here twice in 2 years and find the experience worth saving up for to afford it. The nighttime experience with the backdrop of crashing ocean surf eases you into the pampered Hawaiian resort environment. Seafood menu inspiration and execut...